
Gaining Support – The How, Why, and What

One of my recent posts suggested that the way to get past a blank page is to start with the three statements: “Here it is. Ain’t It great? However…

Those statements are a great framework for getting started, but they won’t sell anyone on your proposition. Why? Because people don’t buy what you do or how you do it, they buy why you do it. Continue reading Gaining Support – The How, Why, and What

How to Get Past the Blank Page

You have just completed the grant application, but need a cover letter. Or, You are starting to prepare a presentation to a gathering of potential donors. Or, you are offering a course in street-smarts. Or, you want to set up a world peace conference. Or, you want them to sign up for your newsletter.

You are facing the dreaded blank page. You know what message you want to convey, but that page is blank. Continue reading How to Get Past the Blank Page

Difficult Conversations: Get Them to Talk

The Harvard Negotiation Project (HNP) is best known for their classic books on negotiation, Getting to Yes and Getting Past No. These books revolutionized negotiations and should be on the reading list of everyone.

But they recognized a problem with their win-win approach. It assumed that both parties were willing to talk to one another. This is not always the case. In response, HNP has published Difficult Conversations, How to Discuss What Matters Most. Continue reading Difficult Conversations: Get Them to Talk