Real – Win – Worth

There are lots of opportunities to apply for grants.

But grants require applications and applications take time, effort, and money.

Unless you have myriads of free grant writers sitting around, you can only apply for a finite number of grants. For most of us, that number is quite finite.

Resources spent pursing the wrong grant or losing the grant competition are resources wasted. So the most important decision you can make is, “Which grants do I invest in?” Continue reading Real – Win – Worth

The Corporate Model

Most nonprofit board members are volunteers. They don’t have hours of time to research issues, to generate and analyze alternatives, to coordinate with others, or to study the environment in detail. It is not possible for them to be involved in daily operations. Instituting the Corporate Model separates policy development from operations.

“We [Boards] should be discussing policy and strategy, not counting paper clips!” Continue reading The Corporate Model