
Gaining Support – The How, Why, and What

One of my recent posts suggested that the way to get past a blank page is to start with the three statements: “Here it is. Ain’t It great? However…

Those statements are a great framework for getting started, but they won’t sell anyone on your proposition. Why? Because people don’t buy what you do or how you do it, they buy why you do it.

People want to support something bigger than themselves. A real mission. A real vision.

People want to associate with those who have the same vision, mission, or dream. Trust emerges.

So, start here. Answer the question, “Why?”

Why does your organization exist?
What is your purpose?
What’s the problem and what’s the vision for fixing it?

Then, talk about what you believe. You will attract people who believe what you believe.

You need 15-18% participation to hit the tipping point. The innovators and early adopters allow the early majority to buy your program.

Roger's Adoption Innovation Curve
Rogers Adoption Innovation Curve – You must get the innovators and Early Adopters to buy before you reach the tipping point where the Early Majority will buy.

Then, and only then, you can talk about the How, your strategy, your approach to the vision.

Humans make decisions using the limbic, non-verbal part of their brains. Sometimes they call this the gut reaction.

After they make the decision, they rationalize it, using the rational, verbal parts of their brains. Here is where you give them the What.

Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle – Work from the Inside Out
Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle – Work from the Inside Out

What you do is the proof of what you believe. The three parts of What are Here it is, Ain’t it great, However…

Simon Sinek gave an awesome Ted Presentation on this topic:

Remember:  The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King gave the “I Have a Dream” speech, not the “I Have a Plan” speech.